Sunday, February 1, 2009

Frenzied Play II

We've recently been exposing Finn more and more to the basement, especially since this frightfully frigid Chicago winter has us holed up inside and boy has been needing a diversion from his standard playroom. As you'll see, unlike the rest of our old house with its surfeit of walls, down below is a pretty wide-open space, perfect for full-on toddler frenzy.

In addition to the risible zaniness, you'll doubtless get a kick out of profile shots of our son's impressive girth - think Tommy Lasorda, circa October 1988 . . . arms flailing and everything.



  1. Love the video! Your basement if perfect for a toddler! I miss Finn!

  2. I'm so impressed at your professional looking website. Nice work. Every time I see Finn I think, geez I should be doing more stuff with Grace. I'm a slacker mom:) So cute!
