Tuesday, May 22, 2012

First strawberries of the season

Wylie, Finn, and I ate strawberries straight from the garden today. A moment of simple joy. In addition to the berries, Wylie ate the stems and some dirt. I could not deter him!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sweet Milestone--Preschool Picnic

Here is Finn and his posse (the boys at least) at their end-of-the-year preschool class picnic.  They'd been studying picnics with Mrs. Coogan all year, so this was the culminating event.  So sweet.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Check out that rookie at first base

Finn has been having a good deal of fun at t-ball this spring. While he seems significantly motivated by the trophy he's expecting at the end of the season, he nevertheless genuinely likes it. And given he's four-and-a-half in a 3-4 class, his skills are a bit more on the advanced side, which makes him look impressive in front of the other parents. Not that we're competing, or anything. Above: an impressive knock down of a hard hit ground ball at first base. Below: a poke into the gap in left for a single.